Performance Wear: Pros and Cons
Dorris Bogus/ ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor on 13th Apr 2023
Performance wear fabric is a term used to define fabric that have natural or added ingredients that help the athlete to perform optimally. Antibacterial properties prevent the accumulation of bacteria that accompanies an intense workout. Moisture wicking properties aid in the cooling of the body during an intense workout. They draw sweat away from the body into the fabric where it dries quickly.
UV protection is another popular property added to fabric to enhance the athlete's performance. It shields the body
from harmful UV rays. Anyone whose fitness routine or sport requires long periods in the sun would benefit from UV
protected garments. Bamboo fibers have natural UV protection.
Compression fabric has a variety of benefits: increased blood flow and stabilized muscles are two benefits. The
down side of performance wear fabric is that harsh chemicals are added that are toxic to the planet and to your body.
The benefits of these added properties are short lived. UV, antibacterial and moisture wicking properties decrease
with repeated washings. It varies but after 10 to 15 washings the benefits of those chemicals are gone.
Alternatives are eco-friendly fabrics like organic cotton and bamboo.
These fabrics have natural performance properties. They are sustainable and are good for you and the planet. At
KaMIT Sport 30% of our designs in both eco-friendly and performance wear fabrics.