

​Finding Your 25th Hour: Time Management Tips for Busy Moms and Business Owners

​Finding Your 25th Hour: Time Management Tips for Busy Moms and Business Owners

Dorris Bogus on 1st Sep 2024

Finding time management strategies that work can sometimes feel like searching for that elusive 25th hour each day - especially for busy moms and business owners with multiple responsibilities to fulfill. Here are a few practical time-management techniques designed to streamline your day, alleviate stress, and maximize productivity.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Start by distinguishing between tasks that must be accomplished and those you would prefer doing, using an effective system for prioritization:

Must Do: Tasks that are essential to your business or family life.

Should Do: Important but less urgent duties.

Things You Could Do: Tasks that don't require urgency/can be rescheduled.

Every morning, make a list of tasks and divide them up accordingly so that you can focus on those that truly matter while spending less time doing fewer essential activities.

Establish Clear Goals

Setting clear goals provides direction and an indicator of professional and personal success. Break larger objectives into more manageable pieces that can be tackled daily or weekly. For instance, if you aim to increase revenue through sales calls, set weekly sales call goals instead. Or for family goals, like decluttering one room each day/week, setting weekly goals.

Utilize Technology Effectively

Technology can be an invaluable aid in managing your time effectively. Apps and tools designed specifically to assist can save both time and effort.

Scheduling: Calendars and scheduling apps remind us about meetings, kids' activities, and essential deadlines.

Task Management: Trello or Asana helps track tasks more efficiently while working collaboratively within teams or families.

Automating: Where possible, automate repetitive tasks, such as billing or email response management, or household duties like vacuuming (using robotic vacuum cleaners, for example).

Learn to Delegate

Delegating is critical for effective time management—delegate tasks to employees or freelance helpers based on their strengths. At home, involve family members in chores and responsibilities by delegating these tasks to them. It helps spread out your workload while giving others ownership over some duties and freeing up some of your precious free time!

Establish Boundaries and Learn to Say No

Setting boundaries is integral for effective time management. Define clear work hours you adhere to and learn how to refuse requests that do not fit your priorities. Although this may prove challenging if you are used to helping others, setting these rules will make you happier! Setting these guidelines can be challenging initially, but it is necessary to maintain focus and remain sane!

Take Care of Yourself

Achieve Balance Self-care and maintaining an energy balance is vital. Neglecting health concerns could result in burnout, which severely decreases productivity. Schedule regular breaks, eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and rest well. Taking good care of yourself should never be considered optional—it should always remain part of a productive workday!

Regular Review and Adjust

What works today may not work tomorrow; therefore, it is wise to assess and update your time management strategies regularly. Regular or quarterly reviews allow you to identify which tactics are successful or ineffective so you can make well-informed decisions regarding changes to your routine.


Finding extra hours may not be physically possible, but you can imagine additional hours each day with proper time management techniques. By prioritizing tasks, setting clear goals, using technology effectively to delegate, setting boundaries or taking care of yourself as needed, and regularly adapting your approach, time can be managed more effectively, allowing more opportunities to experience life's precious moments!